AI submittal log tool

AI submittal log tool

AI submittal log tool

Create submittal logs automatically for every project with the power of AI. It's fast, secure, accurate—and completely free.

Create submittal logs automatically for every project with the power of AI. It's fast, secure, accurate—and completely free.

Create submittal logs automatically for every project with the power of AI. It's fast, secure, accurate—and completely free.

Upload your project specification

We’ll email you with your submittal log.

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Put submittal logs on autopilot

Sure, the right template might save you a little bit of time. But our AI tool will create submittal logs faster than you ever thought possible.

Submittal logs in a snap

Create complex submittal logs in minutes with the help of AI. Avoid outstanding submittals and conflicts between teammates.

Submittal logs in a snap

Create complex submittal logs in minutes with the help of AI. Avoid outstanding submittals and conflicts between teammates.

Submittal logs in a snap

Create complex submittal logs in minutes with the help of AI. Avoid outstanding submittals and conflicts between teammates.

Just drag and drop

All you have to do is upload your specification. We'll take care of the rest. Get complete and accurate submittal logs in minutes.

Just drag and drop

All you have to do is upload your specification. We'll take care of the rest. Get complete and accurate submittal logs in minutes.

Just drag and drop

All you have to do is upload your specification. We'll take care of the rest. Get complete and accurate submittal logs in minutes.

Never miss a submittal again

Creating submittal logs takes forever—or at least it used to. Now you can take back your time without ever missing another submittal.

Never miss a submittal again

Creating submittal logs takes forever—or at least it used to. Now you can take back your time without ever missing another submittal.

Never miss a submittal again

Creating submittal logs takes forever—or at least it used to. Now you can take back your time without ever missing another submittal.

Boost efficiency with AI

Our submittal log tool is just the beginning. Try Submittal Assistant to save hundreds of hours on construction administration.

Boost efficiency with AI

Our submittal log tool is just the beginning. Try Submittal Assistant to save hundreds of hours on construction administration.

Boost efficiency with AI

Our submittal log tool is just the beginning. Try Submittal Assistant to save hundreds of hours on construction administration.


Ready to get started?

Sign up for a demo to learn more.


Ready to get started?

Sign up for a demo to learn more.